020 7636 6080

Blinking Exercises


You have been prescribed blinking exercise as you are either not blinking enough or are not blinking fully (partial blinking), this exercise will help you train your blinking

The goal of the exercise is to ensure that the top lid touches the bottom lid and that you blink sufficient times each day. Each time you blink fully the tears are spread over the eye and the meibomium glands that produce oil are squeezed, helping them to remain open. Many of us spend a significant amount of time at the computer – and whilst concentrating we reduce our blink rate significantly, leading to dry eye.


  • Gently close the eyes fully – count 1,2
  • Squeeze the lids together – count 1,2
  • Open the eyes – count 1,2
  • Repeat the exercise 5 times

This exercise should be repeated every waking hour for two weeks and then at least four times a day – or once an hour if at the computer.

To help you remember – if you have a repetitive task you do everyday then try to do the exercise whenever you do the task. Alternatively PC/MAC and smart phone software exist that can remind you.

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